@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02011959, author = {前村, 佳幸 and Maemura, Yoshiyuki}, issue = {94}, journal = {琉球大学教育学部紀要=Bulletin of Faculty of Education University of the Ryukyus}, month = {Mar}, note = {In Chinese dynasties, the spirit tablets (Shen zu) of emperors and their ancestors were enshrined in Tai Miao (Zong Miao, which means mausoleum in English) located in the capital. This paper examines the disputes over the arrangement of the spirit tablets of emperors' ancestors in Tai Miao, from the era of Emperor Tai-zu, who built Tai Miao, to the era of Emperor Hui-zong, who changed the number of rooms in the Tai Miao from seven to nine, in the Northern Song dynasty. Sima Guang insisted that Emperor Tai-zu should be given preferential and permanent treatment with regard to enshrinement simply because he was the founding emperor of the Song dynasty. In addition, he insisted that the spirit tablets of the emperors' ancestors should be relocated from Tai Miao in the order of remoter ancestors due to the change in generations. On the contrary, Wang Anshi refuted Sima Guang's insistence, saying that the spirit tablets of the great-great-grandfather of Emperor Taizu and his younger brother Emperor Tai-zong should take the seat of honor in Tai Miao and at the sacrificial rite because the great-great-grandfather must be respected as the imperial ancestor. The differences between these arguments as well as an understanding that was common to contemporary debaters in the same era is noteworthy. With regard to the Zhao-Mu order on ancestor worship, Sima Guang and Wang Anshi considered that the spirit tablets of emperors should be given equal treatment with regard to enshrinement in Tai Miao if they belonged to the same generation, such as brothers, irrespective of the order of the enthronement, and different opinions were barely observed among bureaucrats. Although Wang Anshi's argument was accepted by Emperor Shen-zong, his argument did not convince many bureaucrats. Therefore, the arrangement of the spirit tablets of the remote ancestors was discussed again in the subsequent Southern Song dynasty., 紀要論文}, pages = {47--70}, title = {北宋の廟議 : 宗廟における神主配置}, year = {2019} }