@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02012041, author = {小林, 稔 and 白尾, 裕志 and 小島, 哲夫 and 土屋, 勢子 and 名嘉, 信祐 and 中山, 睦子 and 世嘉良, 基 and Kobayashi, Minoru and Shirao, Hiroshi and Kojima, Tetsuo and Tsuchiya, Seiko and Naka, Shinyu and Nakayama, Mutsuko and Yokaryo, Motoi}, journal = {高度教職実践専攻(教職大学院)紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {First objective of this research is to identify the level of understanding of the new national curriculum guidelines among the teachers in primary and junior high schools in Okinawa Prefecture and collection of foundational data for the future teacher training by comparative verification of the state of recognition of the content and methods in the new national curriculum guidelines, with distinction to school type (primary or junior high school) and area (mainland Okinawa and outlying islands).Second objective is to examine how the difference of being in charge of extracurricular activities or not is affecting the recognition of the content and methods in the new national curriculum guidelines. Questionnaires has been collected from 793 primary and junior high school teachers from all around Okinawa Prefecture (with the response rate of 48.4%)According to the result of the analysis no difference between schools or areas has been observed in the awareness and recognition of the content and methods in the new national curriculum guidelines. However, with respect to the level of understanding of in-school training opportunities and special education, statistically significant gap has been detected between the primary schools and junior high schools. Furthermore, primary school teachers, who are in charge of extracurricular activities had high ratio of “true” answers in the following 2 questions: “I aim to enhance experimental activities” and “I try to organise the curriculum that put emphasis on cooperation with the local area”. Additionally, the level of understanding about inclusive education and reasonable accommodation with regard to special education was statistically significantly higher among teachers from outlying islands rather than those from mainland Okinawa. It is suspected that small size class on the outlying islands might be influential. The foundational data on the comprehension of the new national curriculum guidelines collected at this time, is to be examined comparatively with the outcome of similar survey, which is planned to be conducted after the full implementation of the new national curriculum guidelines., 紀要論文}, pages = {19--30}, title = {新学習指導要領実施前における教育内容・方法に関する沖縄県内小・中学校教員の意識と認知の実態 : 校種・地域の違いおよび課外活動担当の有無に着目して}, volume = {3}, year = {2019} }