@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02012199, author = {花木, 宏直 and Hanaki, Hironao}, issue = {16}, journal = {移民研究, Immigration Studies}, month = {Nov}, note = {Juquia line, Sao Paulo is one of the Okinawan settlements in Brazil before World War Ⅱ.This article, the relationships between Okinawan migration, their settlements, and their source of livelihoods in Juquia line, are studied. Moreover, the “Japanese immigration list in Brasil” formulated by Kurihara Institute of the Brazilian Natural Science in the late 1930s, was analyzed. The early Okinawans migrated from the coffee plantations to Juquia line because it shared a close proximity with Santos, the biggest port city in Brazil. While residing in Juquia line, they cultivated vegetables and shipped these vegetables to Santos. The Okinawans, however, shifted their settlements continuously between Juquia line and Santos. Further, they were not only involved in agriculture but also in commerce and industry in Santos. In addition, the Okinawans residing in Juquia line cultivated bananas and exported them to Argentina through Santos. Thereafter, some of them shifted constantly between Juquia line and Buenos Aires, Argentina; they were involved in commerce and industry in Buenos Airesas well. As noted, the Okinawans moved to Juquia line undertook agriculture on a small scale in Brazil before World War Ⅱ. They later shifted constantly between Juquia line, Santos, and migrated and settled out of Brazil and were engaged in various occupations. Thus, this article infers that the immigrants made a livelihood by not setting in one area or engaging in one occupation in Brazil before World War Ⅱ., 紀要論文}, pages = {1--26}, title = {第二次世界大戦前のサンパウロ州ジュキア線における沖縄系移民の集住地域形成 : 1938~ 40年調査「在伯日本移民歴史調査表」を活用して}, year = {2019} }