@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02012616, author = {西山, 桂一 and Nishiyama, Keiichi}, journal = {Fauna Ryukyuana}, month = {Dec}, note = {沖縄島の7洞窟からヒメユリサワガニGeothelphusa tenuimanus (Miyake & Minei, 1965),オキナワオオサワガニG. grandiovata Naruse, Shokita & Ng, 2006,サカモトサワガニG. sakamotoana (Rathbun, 1905)の3種のサワガニ類が確認された.今回の調査では,洞内でのヒメユリサワガニの放仔のほか,ヒメユリサワガニとオキナワオオサワガニの小型個体が見られるなど,洞内での繁殖に関わる生態が観察された.また,ヒメユリサワガニは体色に個体変異が見られ,大宜味村の洞窟では体色が著しく白化した個体も観察された.また同じ洞窟内では色彩の傾向が類似しており,遺伝的に分化している可能性があった., Three freshwater crab species, Geothelphusa tenuimanus (Miyake & Minei, 1965), G. grandiovata Naruse, Shokita & Ng, 2006, and G. sakamotoana (Rathbun, 1905) were observed from seven caves in Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Some reproductive evidence in the caves, such as juvenile-releasing G. tenuimanus and the presence of young individuals of G. tenuimanus and G. grandiovata, were observed. The coloration of G. tenuimanus varied individually, but individuals from the same cave tended to have similar color pattern; and some individuals from Ogimi Village had white body color, suggesting possible genetic isolation., 論文}, pages = {11--17}, title = {沖縄島の洞窟におけるサワガニ類の生息情報とハビタットについて}, volume = {47}, year = {2018} }