@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02015179, author = {大屋, 一弘 and Oya, Kazuhiro}, issue = {2}, journal = {沖縄農業}, month = {Dec}, note = {沖縄本島酸性土壤の国頭礫層土壤及びアルカリ性土壤の泥灰岩土壤を用いて,パソゴラグラスに対するりん酸の肥効をポット栽培で試験した。Pの量は各土壤に10a当り0,6,15,22,37kgの5段階を施用し,P施用量に対するパンゴラグラスの収量及びP_2O_5吸収量を調べた。国頭礫層土壤においては石灰区と無石灰区を設けたが,石灰区では過石の形でPを15kg施用した時,ハイホスカの形ではPを22kg施用した時に最高の収量が得られた。無石灰区では過石及びハイホスカいずれの場合でもPを37kg施用したもので最高の収量が得られた。そして石灰施用の有無によって過石及びハイホスカのりん酸肥効は相違を示す傾向がみられた。泥灰岩土壤においては過石の形ではPを15kg施用した場合,またハイホスカの形ではPを37kg施用した場合に最高の収量が得られた。パンゴラグラスのP_2O_5吸収量は,国頭礫層土壤及び泥灰岩土壤に共通して,過石及びハイホスカの間で相違はなかった。国頭礫層土壤においてパンゴラグラスのP_2O_5吸収量が石灰施用によって減少するような傾向は見られなかった。, A pot experiment was carried out on two Okinawan soils. The one soil was the Kunigami gravel derived from the diluval bed, and the other was the Shimajiri clay derived from the marl. Pangolagrass was planted on them to which adequate nitrogen and potassium were supplied with various levels of phosphorus. The level of phosphorus was equivalent to 0, 6, 15, 22, and 37 kg of P per 10 are (about 1/4 acre). Lime was also added to plots of the Kunigame gravel-soil to rectify its acidity. (1) The highest response of the pangolagrass was obtained at 15 kg of P when added in superphosphate but at 22 kg added in the Haihoska, a sort of rock phosphate being manufactured by the Ryukyu Fertilizer Co., in the limed Kunigami gravel-soil. The highest response in the non-limed Kunigami gravel-soil was obtained at 37 kg of P as added by either superphosphate or the Haihoska. (2) In the Shimajiri clay-soil of which pH was8.0, the pangolagrass responded highest at 15 kg of P as added in superphosphate but at 37 kg of P in the Haihoska. (3) The phosphorus content of the pangolagrass appeared not different when phosphorus was supplied by whichever fertilizers. Liming in the Kunigami gravel-silo did not seem to affect the phosphorus uptake by the grass in negative way., 論文}, pages = {41--44}, title = {沖縄本島土壤における石灰とりん酸の肥効}, volume = {4}, year = {1965} }