@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02015203, author = {高良, 鉄夫 and 東, 清二 and Takara, Tetsuo and Azuma, Seizi}, issue = {2}, journal = {沖縄農業}, month = {Dec}, note = {1.1965年大宜味村のパインアップル園において確認したパインアップルの害虫19種,パインアップルコナカイガラムシおよびアナナスシロカイガラムシの天敵6種,アリ4種の年間個体数変動,および害虫の発生消長とその発生に関係ある諸要因について検討した. 2.パインアップル園の昆虫群集構造は一年を通じて次の2型に分類できる.1~7月……アナナスシロカイガラムシ.パインアップルコナカイガラムシ.その他群集.8~12月……パインアップルコナカイガラムシ.アナナスシロカイガラムシ.その他群集. 3.パインアップルコナカイガラムシ,アナナスシロカイガラムシを除く他の17種の発生は第2表のとおりであった. 4.アナナスシロマルカイガラムシは気温が上昇し始める3月から発生量が多くなり,4月下旬から5月上旬にかけては年間の最高となるが,その後は天敵の発生,8月からの収穫作業による圃場の攪乱や直射光線,9月からの乾燥および気温の低下などのため個体数は次第に減少し,12月には年間の最低となる. 5.パインアップルコナカイガラムシは1~2月にその個体数もっとも少なく,それは低温とアリの個体数の少ないことによるものであり,3月からの個体数増加は温度の上昇とアリの多発が原因し,4月から7月上旬にかけての個体数の減少は多雨と捕食天敵類の増加によるものと思われる.7月下旬からコナカイガラムシの個体数は再び増加し,9月下旬から10月上旬にかけて年間の最高となるが,それは果実が成熟して食物条件が良好となることや,天敵類の減少,アリの多発のためであり,その後の減少は食物条件,温度,アリの減少などコナカイガラムシの繁殖に対する不良条件が増加するためと思われる. 6.天敵類の年間個体数変動は第3表に示した如く,種によて異っなるが4月~6月に種類,個体数ともに多い. 7.アリの年間個体数変動は第4表のとおりで,アシジロヒラフシアリとタイワンアメイロアリの発生が多く,全体的に3月下旬から4月,8月から9月上旬および10月下旬から11月にかけて発生が多い., The present study were intended to explain the seasonal occurrence of main pests and its predators, and succession of structure of the insects community in pineapple field. The investigation were made during 1965, at Ohgimi, Northern area of Okinawa Island. Pineapple plant of the field has not been subjected to pest control since 1962. Population of the injurious insects and predators were measured by the total number of individuals found on 20 plants. The succession of structure of insect community in pineapple field was summarized as follows: Dia・Pse・(Col・Car)-association from January to July. Pse・Dia・(Car・Col・Dro)-association from August to December. Population of pineapple red scale, Diaspis bromeriae Kern. increase in the period of March to May, and it decrease from June. The most important factor in the later case was the increase of predators. The peak of the occurrence of red scale was found from April to May. Population of pineapple mealy bug, Pseudococcus brevipes Ckll increase in the period of March, occurred in a small number in April, May, June, and early July. The most important factors in the later case was the increase of predators and much rainfall. The peak of the occurrence of mealy bug was found from September to October. One of the important factor in this case seems to be concerned to mature of fruit as a good food for mealy bug. Four predators of mealy bug, Pseudoscymnus kurohime, P. quinq epunctalus, Horniolus okinawensis, and Cryptogonus obriculus were found in large number in April, May, June and July. A predator of red scale, Stictobura sp. was found in large number from May to June. Two Ants, Technomyrmex albipes and Paratrechina bourbonica were found large number during three periods of later part of March to April, August to early September and later part of October, but they were found few in the rainy season., 論文}, pages = {21--29}, title = {パインアップルの害虫防除に関する基礎的研究 第2報 主要害虫および天敵類の年間個体数変動}, volume = {5}, year = {1966} }