@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02015367, author = {大城, 安弘 and Oshiro, Yasuhiro}, issue = {1・2}, journal = {沖縄農業}, month = {Jul}, note = {沖縄島で1977年11月から1980年6月にかけてタイワンカブトムシ Oryctes rhinoceros LINNAEUS の室内での発育及び野外における生活史を調査した結果,次のことが判明した。1.幼虫の孵化時刻には4~8時と16~18時にピークが見られたが,それ以外の時間帯にも孵化がかなり見られた。2.高温期(5月から10月)における室内飼育では卵期間(平均,以下同じ)13.6日,幼虫期間157.4日,前蛹期間10.7日,蛹期間20.5日であった。一方,低温期(10月から6月)における室内飼育では卵期間(平均,以下同じ)24.5日,幼虫期間231.3日,前蛹期間13.5日,蛹期間27.2日であった。3.卵から成虫になるまでの期間は高温期で202日,低温期では297日であった。成虫寿命は高温期には平均55日,低温期には82日であった。4.野外では成虫は3月から7月に,1齢幼虫は5月から10月に,2齢幼虫は5月から8月と12月に,3齢幼虫は11月から4月に,蛹は3月から7月に多いが,どの発育段階もほぼ年中見られた。したがって,特定の休眠期がない熱帯由来であることが推測された。, The life cycle of the coconut rhinoceros beetle, Oryctes rhinoseros LINNAEUS was studied in Okinawa Island. Under uncontrolled room conditions of light and temperature, 52% of the larvae hatched from 4:00 to 8:00 and from 16:00 to 18:00, and the rest at other times of the day. In the warmer half of the year, the incubation period of eggs was, on average, 13.6 days. The durations of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd larval instars were 41.5, 41.6 and 74.3 days (a total of 157.4 days). respectively. The prepupal and pupal periods were 10.7 and 20.5 days, respectively. The adult survived a mean period of 55.1 days. In the cooler half of the year, the incubation period of eggs was, on average, 24.5 days. The durations of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd larval instars were 84.3, 68.0 and 79.0 days (a total of 231.3 days), respectively. The prepupal and pupal periods were 13.5 and 27.2 days, respectively. The adult survived a mean period of 82.3 days. The total development time from egg to adult was 202 days under the warm conditions and 297 days under the cool conditions. In the field the adults were relatively abundant from March to July, the 1st instar larvae from May to October, the 2nd instar Iarvae from May to August and in December, the 3rd instar larvae from November to April, and the pupae from March to July. However, all developmental stages were found throughout the year, suggesting the absence of winter diapause. This beetle of tropical origin would therefore fail to invade northern districts with cold winter., 論文}, pages = {33--37}, title = {タイワンカブトムシ Oryctes rhinoceros LINNAEUS (鞘翅目:コガネムシ科) の生態学的研究 第2報 沖縄島における生活史}, volume = {19}, year = {1984} }