@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02015368, author = {大城, 安弘 and 大城, 恵理子 and 前城, 悦子 and Oshiro, Yasuhiro and Oshiro, Eriko and Maeshiro, Etsuko}, issue = {1・2}, journal = {沖縄農業}, month = {Jul}, note = {琉球列島産鳴く虫に関する研究の一環としてオキナワキリギリス Gampsocleis ryukyuensis の生活史を沖縄島の室内および野外において調査した。1.卵の大きさは産下当時長径が5.44mm,短径1.48mmであった。また,孵化直前には長径6.28mm,短径1.96mmでそれらの膨張係数は長径で1.15,短径では1.32であった。2.孵化は早朝の6時から10時のわずか4時間で96%が終わり,10時から4時までの18時間にはまったく孵化しなかった。3.卵期間は6月下旬から7月上旬に産下されたもので平均255日,8月下旬から9月上旬産下卵は203日であった。産下された卵はある一定の発育段階で休眠するため,早く産下されたものはその分だけ卵期間が長くなっているものと推測された。4.孵化は産卵後180~190日頃から始まり,200~210日に小さなピーク(13%)を,250~260日に大きなピーク(40%)を形成し,270~280日まで続いた。5.平均若虫期間は1980年に107.7日,1981年には110.6日であった。6.産卵は羽化後10~20日頃から始まり,30~50日にピークを形成し,60~70日頃(死亡直前)まで続いた。7.雌当たりの平均産卵数は1980年が330.5個,1981年が299.5個であった。8.成虫寿命は最短43日,最長76日,平均63.2日であった。9.野外では,初齢若虫は3~5月,中齢若虫は4~6月,老齢若虫は5~6月,そして成虫は6~9月に観察された。10.室内および野外の調査結果から,本種は内因性の休眠卵で越冬し,1年に1世代をくり返し,キリギリスとは休眠起源を異にしている可能性が示唆された。, The life history of the okinawa katydid, Gampsocleis ryukyuensis was studied in Okinawa Island by breeding experiments and field surveys. 1. The eggs were 5.7mm -6.6mm long and 1.7mm -2.3mm wide just before hatching. 2. Most (96%) of the nymphs hatched from 6:00 to 10:00 a.m. None of them hatched during the hours from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. 3. The average egg period was 255 days for the eggs laid during the period from June to July, and 203 days for those laid from August to September. Thus, the egg period was distinctly longer for the eggs laid earlier. The laboratory breedings suggested that the eggs entered the diapause at a certain stage of the embryonic development. 4. The eggs started to hatch from 180 to 190 days after oviposition and about 40% of them hatched during the period from 250 to 260 days after oviposition. 5. The average nymphal period was 107.7 days in 1980, and 110.6 days in 1981. 6. The pre-oviposition period ranged from 10 to 20 days. The number of oviposited eggs reached a crest during the period from 30 to 50 days after emergence of the adults. The oviposition lasted until death of the adults which were 60 to 70 days old. 7. The average number of eggs laid per female was 331 in 1980 and 300 in 1981. 8. The adults survived for 63 days on an average, ranging from 43 to 76 days. 9. The field surverys showed that the young nymphs (less than 15mm in body length) were most abundant in the population from March to May, the middle-sized nymphs (16-25mm) increased in number from April to June and the older nymphs (over 26mm) from May to June, and the adults appeared from June to September. 10. The field surveys and laboratory breeding experiments indicated that this species is possibly univoltine with a certain diapausing-period at the egg stage. The diapause is considered to be originated to avoid the decrease in individual number during the unfavorable season for population growth., 論文}, pages = {39--47}, title = {琉球列島産鳴く虫に関する研究 第6報 オキナワキリギリス Gampsocleis ryukyuensis (直翅目,キリギリス科) の沖縄島における生活史}, volume = {19}, year = {1984} }