@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02015371, author = {志茂, 守孝 and 大屋, 一弘 and 渡嘉敷, 義浩 and Shimo, Moritaka and Oya, Kazuhiro and Tokashiki, Yoshihiro}, issue = {1・2}, journal = {沖縄農業}, month = {Jul}, note = {沖縄島北部の国頭村字奥の酸性土壌を用いて,1980年にスーダングラスを,1981年にソルゴーを栽培し,Ca飽和度に基づいた石灰施用試験を行なった。Ca飽和度が増加すると,収量及び草丈は増加し,Ca飽和度50~75%区において最高値を示し,それ以上の高Ca飽和度区で減少した。牧草の生育に適当なCa飽和度は50%前後であった。牧草地上部の養分含有率についてみると,Ca含有率はスーダングラスではCa飽和度100%区まで,Ca飽和度の増加とともに増加し,ソルゴーではCa飽和度50%まで,高くなり,50%をこえるとほぼ同じ含有率を示した。リン酸及びマグネシウム含有率はCa飽和度の増加とともに増加し,Ca飽和度が50%をこえると減少する傾向にあった。カリ含有率はCa飽和度25%区において高い値を示し,Ca飽和度が25%をこえると含有率は低下した。生重の最高値及びリン酸及びマグネシウムの含有率の最高値を示す処理区は,両者ともCa飽和度50%区であり,生重が増加すると含有率も増加し,生重が減少すると含有率も減少する傾向を示した。Ca飽和度が50%をこえると,リン酸,カリ及びマグネシウム含有率が低下することからCa飽和度は50%前後が適当であると推測した。, Pot experiments were carried out in order to investigate effects of liming on the yield and nutrient content of sudangrass and sorghum in the greenhouse growing sudangrass for 40 days in 1980 and sorghum for 23 days in 1981. The soil used was a red soil of Okinawa Island, which was derived from slate and was acidic (pH 4.93), poor in exchangeable bases and heavy clay in texture. The soil was limed to give 5 levels of Ca saturation ; namely 4, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) in 1980 experiment, and 4, 50, 100, 150 and 200% in 1981 experiment. In addition to liming, fertilizers given per pot (1kg soil) were 1g of ammonium sulfate, 1g of superphosphate and 0.25g of potassium chloride in 1980, and 0.68g of ammonium sulfate, 0.55g monobasic phosphate and 0.25g of potassium chloride in 1981. The liming treatment was replicated four times in the respective experiments. The fresh weight and height of the plant were highest at 50 and 75% of Ca saturation through the experiments. They were lower when the Ca saturation exceeded more than 75%. The contents of phosphate, potassium and magnesium in the plants (top) increased when calcium carbonate was applied to reach to a moderate degree of Ca saturation. The potassium content was highest when Ca saturation was 25%, and the contents of phosphate and magnesium were highest when Ca saturation were 50%. From the above it was estimated that the Ca saturation of the used soil was optimum at 50% to obtain good growth of sudangrass and sorghum., 論文}, pages = {1--6}, title = {酸性土壌における養分施用に関する研究 第2報 石灰施用量がスーダングラス及びソルゴーの収量と養分含有率に及ぼす影響}, volume = {20}, year = {1985} }