@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02015384, author = {大城, 安弘 and 大城, 道代 and 前田, 優子 and 糸数, 恵子 and Oshiro, Yasuhiro and Oshiro, Michiyo and Maeda, Yuuko and Itokazu, Eiko}, issue = {1・2}, journal = {沖縄農業}, month = {Nov}, note = {沖縄島産オナガササキリ Conocephalus gladiatus の生活史を沖縄島において,室内実験及び野外観察によって調査した。1.卵期間の平均日数は194.7日で,最短は11月25日産下卵の147日,最長は9月25日産下卵の239日であった。2.平均若虫期間は113.3日で,最短は5月15日孵化虫の93日,最長は5月1日孵化虫の140日であった。3.産卵は羽化後21日~30日に始まり,31日~60日にピークを形成し,81日~100日(死亡直前)まで続いた。4.1雌当たりの平均産卵数は111.3個で,最少は35個,最多は209個であった。5.成虫の平均寿命は74.9日で,最短は36日,最長は109日であった。6.室内における飼育実験では,成虫は8月上旬~12月上旬,卵は8月下旬~翌年の6月中旬,そして,若虫は4月下旬~9月中旬に見られた。7.野外では,初齢若虫は5月~7月,中齢若虫は5月~8月,老齢若虫は7月~10月,そして,成虫は8月~12月に観察された。8.室内及び野外の調査結果から,本種は沖縄島において内因性の休眠卵で越冬し,1年1化型昆虫であると推定された。, Life history of the Onaga-sasakiry, Conocephalus gladiatus was studied in Okinawa Island by rearing experiments and field surveys. The average incubation period of egg was 194.7 days for the eggs laid from 1984 through 1985, 147 days in late November and 239 days in late September. Thus, this period was distinctly longer for the eggs laid in earlier season. Rearing in the laboratory suggested that the eggs entered diapause at a certain stage of the embryonic development. Average nymphal period was 113.3 days from 1984 through 1986. The shortest nymphal period was 93 days, and the longest one was 140 days. Pre-oviposition period was 21 to 30 days. The number of oviposited eggs reached a crest during the period from 31 to 60 days after emergence of the abults. The oviposition lasted just before the death of the adults which occurred at 81 to 100 days-old. Average number of eggs laid per female was 113.3 from 1984 to 1986. The fewest number of eggs laid per female was 35, and the most numerous number was 209. The longevity of adults was 74.9 days from 1984 through 1986, the shortest longevity of adults was 36 days, and the longest one was 109 days. Field surveys showed that the young nymphs (less than 7mm in body length) were most abundant in population from May to July, the middleaged nymphs (8~14mm) increased in number from May to August and the old nymphs (over 15mm) from July to October, and the adults appeared from August to December. The field observations and laboratory rearing experiments indicated that this species is possibly univoltine with a certain diapause period at the egg atage., 論文}, pages = {23--30}, title = {琉球列島産鳴く虫に関する研究 第11報 オナガササキリ (直翅目:キリギリス科) の沖縄島における生活史}, volume = {22}, year = {1987} }