@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02015494, author = {上里, 健次 and 槙原, 優子 and 米盛, 重保 and Uesato, Kenji and Makihara, Yuhko and Yonemori, Sigeyasu}, issue = {1}, journal = {沖縄農業}, month = {Aug}, note = {沖縄の冬春期におけるトルコギキョウの発育の様相を見るために,一部品種間の発育における品種間差を含め,無加温ハウス内でパミスサンド栽培法によって試作調査した.これには適当な温度条件下で育苗されたプラグ苗を使用し,一方で最低気温18℃で夜冷育苗されたものを対象に人工気象室で,生育に対する温度反応を調査した.実験の結果は次の通りである.1.18℃で夜冷育苗された品種あずまの朝は日昼温度18から30℃までの温度区(日較差5℃)でほとんど伸長生長を示さず,ほとんどロゼット状であった.2.温度処理に続いて自然温度下で継続栽培をすると,低温区のものには伸長生長開花が見られたが,日昼温度26℃以上の区のものの伸長生長は僅かであった.3.沖縄の冬春期の温度環境は,冷涼植物のトルコギキョウの栽培にほとんど問題はないが,発育の後半は高温になりすぎて開花期に若干の障害が見られた.4.育苗期の温度管理に留意すれば伸長生長,開花も正常で,パミスサンド栽培にも良く順応し,省力栽培が可能である.5.供試した6品種間では,固定品種ホーリーレデイに生長および到花日数の遅延が見られたのみで,その他の発育は良好であった., Researches on the growth behavior of Eustoma hybrids by the pumice sand culture were carried out. 6 cultivars including F1 hybrids which seedlings had grown under the cool condition for avoid rosette by seed campany Miyosi were used as materials. Responses for temperature on the growth were also checked by using artificial climate rooms with other hybrids. The outline of results obtained are as follows. 1. Hybrid cv. Azumanoasa raised seedlings under 18℃ minimum temerature did not show elongate growth at any plots that might be not satisfied to rosette breaking. 2. Plants keeped at natural condition of May in Okinawa following after 18-30 ℃ at control room showed elongate growth and normal flowering. The other plants on high temperature plot did not show normal growth. 3. Winter to early spring season in Okinawa considered no problem for cultivation of Eustoma hybirds, though temperature of May is too high due to change to flowering stage. 4. Pumice sand culture might be adequate method for cultivation of Eustoma hybrids, however young seedlings have to raised under the cool temperture due to avoid rosette stage. 5. Among used cultivars, all except Holylady showed good growth and flowering., 論文}, pages = {22--28}, title = {トルコギキョウの温度反応とパミスサンド栽培における品種間差}, volume = {33}, year = {1998} }