@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02015536, author = {外間, 数男 and 村上, 昭人 and Hokama, Kazuo and Murakami,Akito}, issue = {1}, journal = {沖縄農業}, month = {Jun}, note = {The citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri (KUWAYAMA), were not effective at directly feeding to citrus tree, but it was important to which vector of citrus greening disease which seriously redusesthe life of the citrus trees. It was reported to that distribution and mode of life on the citrus psyllid in Okinawa island, and their control of the chemical. The results obtained are summarised as follows. Citrus psyllid has been found on the citrus and Murraya paniculata tree in whole region of Okinawa island. The population density of citrus psyllid adults was higher on the Murraya paniculata tree than citrus tree. Adults of the Psyllid was most abundant on the tree at from winter to spring season. While the adults trapped by yellow sticky traps set in the vegetable field at surrounded with Murraya paniculata trees, it was captured at a distance of 10m from trees. It was showed that the population of adults had to low density level at long time after insecticide treatment., 論文}, pages = {3--14}, title = {ミカンキジラミの発生分布と生態及び防除}, volume = {35}, year = {2001} }