@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02015636, author = {外間, 政哲 and Hokama, Seitetsu}, issue = {4}, journal = {琉球大学医学会雑誌 : 医学部紀要 = Ryukyu medical journal}, month = {}, note = {On looking back upon the process of laboratory medicine in Okinawa, we can find the first and definite organized system of laboratory in the midst of the post-war chaos. Laboratory examinations at that time were carried mainly on malaria, filaria, intestinal parasites and venereal diseases, together with hygienical tests for drinking water. It is surprising to know the fact that an education for laboratory technology had been already performed in such a small laboratory institution, in spite of many social and material difficulties at that time. This has obviously led to great contribution in turning out man-powers in this field. Most of the graduates from this institution are now actively engaging in laboratory works as a head technician in many hospitals and health centers in Okinawa. In 1959, Ryukyu Governmental Naha Hosoital was established, which had 380 beds with modern medical facilities. The laboratory was equipped on a full scale with such apparatuses as EKG, Coleman's photometer, flame photometer, densitometer and Van Slyke-Neil. It had been further filled up year by year with a blood-gas analyzer and Coulter FN and so on. In 1972, the year of repatriation of Okinawa to Japan, University Hospital attached to Department of Health Sciences, University of the Ryukyus was established near to Naha Hospital. On opening of the hospital, Vickers M-300, one of the newest chemical autoanalyzers, Coulter Counter S were introduced to its laboratory. And in other hospitals in Okinawa, too, automatization of laboratory apparatuses had been achieved only in five years after the repatriation. The author feels strongly that an appreciation should be done for such a rapid development in this field through great efforts made by those who have been concerned with. With regard to a vision in the future of laboratory medicine in Okinawa, it is desired immensely that establishment of computerized medical information system covering the entire islands of Okinawa will be realized as soon as possible. Organic connection between those distal areas and the university hospital and the other main hospitals are needed chiefly from geographical reasons for performance and promotion of comprehensive medicine in Okinawa. Laboratory data of individuals and groups in communities are considered as one of the most important and indispensable information to acturization of comprehesive medicine throughout the islands., 論文}, pages = {176--181}, title = {[論説]沖縄における臨床検査の足跡と将来展望}, volume = {7}, year = {1984} }