@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02015690, author = {松田, 昇 and 島袋, 清香 and 松村, まさと and 長堂, 嘉孝 and Matsuda, Noboru and Simabuku, Sayaka and Matsumura, Masato and Nagado, Yositaka}, issue = {1}, journal = {沖縄農業}, month = {Aug}, note = {沖縄県の紫系統パッションフルーツにおける着花率の向上を図る適正な枝梢管理技術を確立するため,枝の切除が新梢の生長と開花に及ぼす影響について検討した.第1花の着生位置,花数および新梢長は,側枝の切除時期および切除程度によって異なっていた.電照開始前に切除すると第1花の着生節位が高く,花数が少なくなった.これに対し,電照開始後に切除すると第1花の着生節位が低く,花数が多くなった.また,いずれの時期でも切除程度を強くするほど第1花の着生節位が高く,花数が少なくなり,新梢の生長も抑制された.新梢生長後に第1蕾の長さ別に側枝を切除すると,第1蕾長が10mm以上を目安に切除したほうが新梢の生長が良く,花数が多くなった.さらに,結果枝の処理については,収穫後に全切除区,半切除区,無切除区を設けて次期開花と果実品質に及ぼす影響を調査したところ,全切除区で明らかに花数が減少したが,果実品質には差がなかった.以上の結果,電照栽培における側枝の切除は,電照開始当日以後に切除程度を弱くしたほうが良く,収穫後の結果枝の切除についても同程度の切除が良い.また,新梢発生後の側枝の切除は,第1蕾長が10mm以上に伸長した時点で実施したほうが良い., The effects of branch-removal methods were investigated by evaluating the shoot growth and flower formation. The position of the first flower bud node, number of flowers, and shoot growth were significantly influenced by removal time and degree. When the branches were removed before lighting, the first flowers formed at the high node, and the number of flowers decreased on the shoot as compared with other treatments. However, later removal after lighting resulted in a lower position of the first flower and an increased number of flowers on the shoot. The first flower formed at a low node, and the number of flowers decreased as more lateral shoots were removed. Moreover, shoot extension growth was less vigorous compared with light removal. When the lateral shoots were removed in the early stages of development of the first flower bud on the shoot, there was a higher percentage of first flower buds in the treated plant. Removing the lateral shoots after harvesting affected the number of flowers and the position of the first flower node. Drastic removal reduced the number of flowers, but light and no removal of shoots did not affect fruit weight, fruit shape, and brix. It was concluded that the shoot must be done light removal after lighting. The lateral shoot should be removed when the first flower bud has grown to over 10 cm long., 論文}, pages = {11--20}, title = {ハウス栽培パッションフルーツの栽培技術開発 第3報.枝の切除が新梢の生長と開花に及ぼす影響}, volume = {42}, year = {2008} }