@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02015736, author = {銘苅, 晋 and 六川, 二郎 and 高良, 英一 and 中田, 宗朝 and 仲宗根, 進 and 堀川, 恭偉 and 石川, 泰成 and Mekaru, Susumu and Mukawa, Jiro and Takara, Eiichi and Nakata, Munetomo and Nakasone, Susumu and Horikawa, Kyoi and Ishikawa, Yasunari}, issue = {2}, journal = {琉球大学医学会雑誌 : 医学部紀要 = Ryukyu medical journal}, month = {}, note = {A case of ectopic malignant meningioma of the parietal bone was reported. A 65-year-old woman noticed a small nodule on head in October 1986. CT scan showed extracranial tumor with destructive change in diploe. The mass had started to grow up rapidly since April, 1987. Plain CT scan showed an iso-density mass in the parietal bone extending to both intra and extracranium. Left carotid angiogram demonstrated that the tumor was supplied from the superficial temporal artery and the middle meningeal artery. Craniotomy was performed in May, 14. The tumor penetrated the dura in a part and extended into the cortex. Histological examination revealed malignant meningothelial meningioma. The histogenesis of intraosseous meningioma is discussed. It might be suggested that our case could originate from the arachnoid granulation in diploe., 論文}, pages = {116--120}, title = {[症例報告]板間層より発生した異所性悪性髄膜鮭の一例}, volume = {10}, year = {1987} }