@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02015759, author = {山里, 将仁 and 外間, 章 and 武藤, 良弘 and 正, 義之 and 上原, 力也 and 玉城, 哲 and 屋艮, 朝雄 and 平山, 清武 and Yamazato, Masahito and Hokama, Akira and Muto, Yoshihiro and Sho, Yoshiyuki and Uehara, Rikiya and Tamaki, Satoshi and Yara, Asao and Hirayama, Kiyotake}, issue = {2}, journal = {琉球大学医学会雑誌 : 医学部紀要 = Ryukyu medical journal}, month = {}, note = {A case of intestinal-umbilical fistula secondary to clamping of an occult omphalocele in 3-day old boy is reported. This baby presented a variety of clinical symptoms of intestinal obstruction, i.e. abdomimal distension and bilious vomiting on the day of birth. Meconium was noted from the stump of the cord on the following day. On admission, he was a full-term infant with mild dehydration. The abdomen was not distended. Small amount of meconium was noted from the stump of the cord. At laparotomy, Meckel's deverticulum and adjacent intestine were entrapped into the clamped small omphalocele. The Meckel's diverticulum necrotized and the adjacent proximal intestine had perforated. After resection of the affected intestine, and end to end anastmosis was performed with Halsted's procedure. His postoperative course was uneventful., 論文}, pages = {112--115}, title = {[症例報告]臍帯結紮に起因した臍腸瘻の一例}, volume = {10}, year = {1987} }