@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02015829, author = {川畑, 勉 and 城間, 寛 and 久貝, 忠男 and 下地, 光好 and 玉木, 正人 and 大田, 治 and 佐久田, 斉 and 鎌田, 義彦 and 宮城, 和史 and 赤崎, 満 and 大嶺, 靖 and 伊波, 潔 and 国吉, 幸男 and 古謝, 景春 and 草場, 昭 and 島袋, 博大 and 中村, 浩明 and 斎藤, 厚 and 比嘉, 功 and 大澤, 炯 and Kawabata, Tsutomu and Shiroma, Hiroshi and Kugai, Tadao and Shimoji, Mitsuyoshi and Tamaki, Masato and Ohta, Osamu and Sakuta, Hitoshi and Kamada, Yoshihiko and Miyagi, Kazufumi and Akasaki, Mitsuru and Ohmine, Yasushi and Iha, Kiyoshi and Kuniyoshi, Yukio and Koja, Kageharu and Kusaba, Akira and Shimabukuro, Hiroto and Nakamura, Hiroaki and Saito, Atsushi and Higa, Isao and Ohsawa, Akira}, issue = {2}, journal = {琉球医学会誌 = Ryukyu Medical Journal}, month = {}, note = {A case of lung cancer associated with diffuse panbronchiolitis(DPB) operated during hemodialysis for chronic renal failure is reported. A 74-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital because of rapid aggravation of an uremic syndrome. Emergency hemodialysis was performed. A chest X-ray film revealed a coin lesion in the 4th bronchopulmonary segment of the left lung and difuse micronodular shadows in the bilateral lung field due to DPB. The mass showed spicula in a chest tomograph. Vascular indentation was demonstrated by a chest CT scan. Lung cancer was highly suspected because of a transbronchial lung biopsy and brushing cytology with clinical stage of T_1N_0M_0 The respiratory function was improved by administration of erythromycin. After correction of hyperkalemia and anemia by hemodialysis and blood transfusion, partial resection of the lower lobe of the left lung (limited operation) was safely performed with perioperative careful attention to fluid overload and hyperkalemia. Histological examinations revealed well-differentiated papillary adenocarcinoma. Hemodialysis using nafamostat mesilate was performed 5 days postoperatively. The post operative course was uneventful and the patient had been well without any signs of recurrence of cancer 9 months after the surgery, but she died of other causes., 論文}, pages = {213--220}, title = {[症例報告]びまん性汎細気管支炎を合併した慢性腎不全患者に発症した肺癌の1手術例}, volume = {13}, year = {1993} }