@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02015872, author = {金城, 利彦 and 六川, 二郎 and 銘苅, 晋 and 佐久田, 治 and Kinjo, Toshihiko and Mukawa, Jiro and Mekaru, Susumu and Sakuta, Osamu}, issue = {3}, journal = {琉球医学会誌 = Ryukyu Medical Journal}, month = {}, note = {Fifteen chronic subdural hematoma (CSH) cases were studied with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). By using resistive MRI (0.15 or 0.22 Tesla. Toshiba MRT 15A or 22A), intensity of the hematoma was compared in detail. MRI is superior to Xray-CT lor demonstrating the hematomas. 1. T_1-weighted images by the inversion recovery (IR) method were obtained in 14 cases (19 hematomas). The hematomas showed variation in signal intensity, with low or isointensity in the acute stage from the onset of symptoms, but with high intensity in the late stage. 2. Proton densityweighted images by the long spin echo (SE) method were obtained in 11 cases (17 hematomas). The hematomas showed high intensity except for two cases. 3. Low signal intensity strips underlying the hematoms were observed; the strips seemed to be subarachnoid space. 4. MRI in coronal view more easily demonstrates anatomical relationships in detail., 論文}, pages = {291--298}, title = {[原著]慢性硬膜下血腫のMRI}, volume = {13}, year = {1993} }