@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02015932, author = {徳嶺, 譲芳 and 伊波, 寛 and 奥田, 佳朗 and Tokumine, Joho and Iha, Hiroshi and Okuda, Yoshiaki}, issue = {3}, journal = {琉球医学会誌 = Ryukyu Medical Journal}, month = {}, note = {Pediatric ophtha-mic examination needs heavy sedation or general anesthesia administered via a face mask. Nevertheless, many anesthesiologists choose general endotracheal anesthesia because the face mask will interfere with the ophthalmologist's manipulations. We treated 2 anesthesia cases using the laryngeal mask airway (LMA), a new device airway, which is smooth, has no complication, and obtained good sedative post-operative states. We have found the LMA to be usefu.l, 論文}, pages = {139--141}, title = {[症例報告]小児の全身麻酔下眼科検査におけるラリンジアルマスクの応用}, volume = {16}, year = {1996} }