@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02015943, author = {野中, 薫雄 and 高宮城, 敦 and 丸野, 元美 and Nonaka, Shigeo and Takamiyagi, Atsushi and Maruno, Motoyoshi}, issue = {2}, journal = {琉球医学会誌 = Ryukyu Medical Journal}, month = {}, note = {Porphynns are cyclic tetrapyrroles which fluoresce under visual light. The porphyrias are inhented and acquired disorders characterized by partial deficiency of the heme biosynthetic pathway. In this paper, a relationship between the porphyrins and skin disorders is discussed. In Japan, the more common porphyrias in dermatology clinics are porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) , erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) and congenital erythropoietic porphyria (CEP). PCT is induced by an enzyme deficiency of hepatic uroporphyrinogen decaboxylase activity. As the result of this enzyme deficiency, uroporphyrin and coproporphyrin accumulate in the skin and other organs. PCT develops mainly in middle-aged males, sometimes in female. Ethyl alcohol, estrogenic hormones and hemodialysis are reported as provocative factors. Hyperpigmentations on exposed areas, skin fragility, vesicles and erosions are common in PCT. EPP is an autosomal dominant disease due to a partial defect in ferrochelatase activity. This disease is characterized by acute photosensitivity in childhood. Sometimes, hyperpigmented flat scars are prominent on the both cheeks. The genetic defect in CEP is a deficiency of uroporphyrinogen III cosynthetase. Cutaneous changes are severe in this disease and facial and distal mutilations are commonly seen. Exposure to the sunlight of the porphyrin-rich skin induces cutaneous changes. Histopathologically, one of the most important findings in porphyrias is a deposition of PAS positive materials in the dermo-epidermal junction and around the small blood vessels in the dermis. These findings are the most prominent in the patients with EPP. Subepidermal bulla is a characteristic finding in PCT. Porphyrin derivatives are well known to have an affinity for malignant tumors, and to exert destructive effects on photosensitized tissue when exposed to light. These derivatives are applied to the treatment of malignant tumor by the photodynamic therapy. Sometimes, a number of the microorganisms with red fluorescence using fluorescence microscopy is a frequently observed in the comedones taken from the face. Pathogenesis of these microorganisms remains unknown, but further investigations should be performed., 論文}, pages = {3--12}, title = {[総説]ポルフィリンと皮膚}, volume = {15}, year = {1995} }