@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02016048, author = {城田, 真一 and 上里, 智美 and 高良, 宏明 and 金谷, 文則 and Shirota, Shinichi and Uesato, Tomomi and Takara, Hiroaki and Kanaya, Fuminori}, issue = {3}, journal = {琉球医学会誌 = Ryukyu Medical Journal}, month = {}, note = {Both internal and external factors cause sports injuries, and the internal factors are divided into physical and psychological factors. The purposes of this study are to clarify the correlation between sports injuries and internal factors in high school basketball players. Retrospective studies including 319 males and 205 females were carried out. About 80% of both sexes have had previous injuries, with the ankle joint injured most frequently (male; 67%, female; 79%). Ninety-one basketball players (64 males and 27 females) of this group were included in a prospective study. Physical and psychological examinations were carried out weekly for six months. New injuries occurred in 34% of the males and 33% of the females. The injured group and non-injured group were compared according to physical and psychological factors. Chronological changes of psychological factors were also examined. As a result, physical factors, higher joint laxity and lower relative strength of knee flexion, increased the occurrence of injuries in females (p<0.05). Higher fluctuation of moods also increased the number of injuries more in females (p<0.05). Since there is no significant difference in the occurence of injuries between males and females, it is assumed that females are relatively susceptible to internal factors and males are relatively susceptible to external factors. In addition, a retrospective study was carried out to investigate physical factors in operated cases with ruptures of anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) (44 males and 49 females) and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) (28 males and 43 females). As a result, larger medial malleolar angle (MMA) and higher joint laxity were considered as physical factors increasing ATFL injuries. Also, smaller notch width index (NWI), and steeper posterior tilt angle (PTA), higher joint laxity, and lower relative strength of knee flexion were considered as physical factors increasing ACL injuries. The influence of physical factors in the occurence of injury was more in females than males. The results of this study indicate that internal factors (both physical and psychological) and external factors played a role in the injuries of high school basketball players. In addition, females were influenced more by internal factors than males, who are affected more by external factors than females., 論文}, pages = {103--111}, title = {[原著]高校生のバスケットボール外傷における身体的、心理的要因の検討}, volume = {18}, year = {1998} }