@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02016049, author = {芳原, 準男 and 地村, 政次郎 and 大城, 進 and 渡久山, 京子 and 亀谷, 浩昌 and 大村, 央子 and 比嘉, 保 and 喜屋武, 典 and 外間, 惟夫}, issue = {4}, journal = {琉球医学会誌 = Ryukyu Medical Journal}, month = {}, note = {It is the function of the hospital pharmacy to undertake pharmaceutical care, investigation and education. This can comparatively be subdivided into (1) dispensing, (2) supply of medicines for internal use, external use, injections and quality control of medicine, (3) manufacturing, (4) supply of information on drugs, (5) suitable usage of medicine and (6) experimental research for pharmaceutical care. (1) The automatic tablet packing machine were connected with the on-line prescription order entry system. One dose package were applied to in-patients prescription order and we would like to operate them for out-patients prescription also in future. As a result of the connection of this system, we can reduce errors in the taking of medians supplied and keep high complaiance by patients. Prescriptions issued outside this hospital from other clinics and clinical health facility centers, was 53.9%. A system of preparation for received prescription at the pharmacy also spreads to a side widely (2) Because an injection ordering system is in operation, we can prevent a leak on a demand of the medicine that gave an injection and decrease stocks quantity of drug with clinics and clinical facility centers. Also, we would like to be come operate of orderig system of drugs with treatment by mean of on-line in future, as we may be able to managemoresufficient medicine. (3) We prepared morphine injection 4 % 10 ml for a cancer patient usefully. It is availabe to relaxation on a pain. (4) It is desirable that the newest information about new medicines can be displayed to every clinic and health facility centers with on-line. (5) An important activity of pharmaceutical care is the prevention of taking wrong medicines by the patient, drug interaction, dissemination of information on drugs and rational drug therapy. (6) We also do studies on stabilization of specially prepared medicine. We obtained a good result when we did a study on drug interaction using experimental animals. In future, we would like to expand the study to include human being. We educate nurses, pharmacists, doctors and their students in the methods of the use and management of medicines and clinical trails. In order to promote a separation of pharmacy and clinic in the prefecture, we mainly contribute to educate pharmacist over again. We hope to do research to help pharmaceutical care and clinic. Our articles are peer reviewed by committee members of academic societies and journals. We revise a defect of a reseach content and do to a high content of a quality. We would like to respond to reguests from the medical staff and patients who received drug therapy., 論文}, pages = {181--188}, title = {[総説]琉球大学医学部附属病院薬剤部の活動状況と今後の展望}, volume = {17}, year = {1997} }