@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02016202, author = {玉城, 智美 and 砂川, 洋子 and 照屋, 典子 and Tamaki, Satomi and Sunagawa, Yoko and Teruya, Noriko}, issue = {3}, journal = {琉球医学会誌 = Ryukyu Medical Journal}, note = {The purposes of this longitudinal study are to examine psychological stress factors (burdens) of family members of patients who had stroke and to determine the correlations between the psychological stress factors and stages of care-acute and subacute. This sample includes 45 primary caregivers (response rate, 83.3%) of patients who were admitted to acute care general hospitals due to first time strokes. Questionnaires were used to identify stress factors, patients' conditions, as well as primary care support. The questionnaires inecluded the Japan Personal Resource Questionnaire 85 Part 2, the Japan Stroke Scale, the Berthal Index, and the FUTANKAN scale that was partially modified the FUTANKAN Scale developed by Nakatani et al. The sample answered the questionnaires a week after admission (acute stage), and later in the subacute stage. Finally, a factor analysis was performed five stress factors/burden were identified: 1) the burden of his/her role change, 2) anxiety about the future, 3) anxiety about self health, 4) negative thinking about care, 5) release of care. Scores of these factors, especially anxiety about the future and negative thinking about care, were higher in the subacute stage than in the acute stage. The factor analysis identified that the social support score was negatively correlated to the burden in the acute stage, and that the seriousness of patients'conditions was highly correlated to the anxiety about future. This study suggests the need of early nursing intervention with accurate assessment, diagnosis and care plans. It also suggests the necessity of psychological supports for family members by giving them information on the patient's care in a timely manner and showing them the future perspective of the patient if needed., 論文}, pages = {97--103}, title = {[原著]初発脳卒中患者を抱える主介護者の負担感と関連要因の検討 : 急性期,亜急性期における比較}, volume = {23} }