@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02016287, author = {源河, 朝博 and 楠見, 彰 and 喜友名, 千佳子 and 野田, 寛 and Genka, Tomohiro and Kusumi, Akira and Kiyuna, Chikako and Noda, Yutaka}, issue = {2}, journal = {琉球大学保健学医学雑誌=Ryukyu University Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine}, note = {The case with hearing loss accompanied with heterochromia iridis have been rarely reported. It had been discussed that the hard of hearing was caused by the pigmentary defect in cochlea such as heterochromia iridis caused by the pigmentary defect in iris, but such presumptions are now denied with the autopsy findings by Fisch. However, the authors believe still now that there is alikely connection between the eye and ear affections. The patient was a seven years old girl with a completely deafness and a bilateral heterochromia iridis, and the mother was unilaterally deaf (left side ) with unilateral heterochromia iridis (right Side). Thses cases were reported with the bibliographic considerations., 論文}, pages = {160--163}, title = {[原著]虹彩異色症を伴った先天性聾唖の一家系}, volume = {3} }