@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02016298, author = {松田, 昇 and 島袋, 清香 and 松村, まさと and 長堂, 嘉孝 and Matsuda, Noboru and Shimabuku, Sayaka and Matsumura, Masato and Nagado, Yoshitaka}, issue = {1}, journal = {沖縄農業}, note = {沖縄県で栽培されている紫系統パッションフルーツの結果不安定の要因を解明するため,花粉発芽,自家受粉および他家受粉における花柱内での花粉管伸長を調査した.1.花粉発芽率と結果率の間には明確な関係はみられなかった.2.晴天日の自家受粉の花粉管は,受粉5時間後で花柱基部まで達し,曇雨天日の花粉管は,柱頭内で停滞した.3.曇雨天日に他家受粉を行うと,花粉管は受粉5時間後で花柱基部まで達することがわかった.また,結果率が高く,種子が多く含まれていた.これらのことから,県内で栽培されている紫系統は,曇雨天日に自家受粉の花粉管伸長が抑制されるため,結実率が低下するが,他家受粉を行うことによって結果率が高くなることが明らかになった., To find the cause of unstable fruiting of purple passion fruits cultivated in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, pollen tube growth in style during pollen germination and self and cross-pollination was studied. 1. No clear relationship between pollen germination rate and fruit percentage was seen. 2. The pollen tube was found to reach the style base in 5 hours after pollination when self-pollinated on a sunny day,and,on a cloudy or rainy day,the pollen tube remained in the style. 3. When cross-pollinated on a cloudy, rainy day,the pollen tube was found to reach the style base in 5 hours after pollination. In addition, the fruit percentage was high with a large number of seeds. From these,it was discovered that, although the fruit percentage of the purple passion fruit lowers, as the cloudy, rainy weather inhibits the pollen tube growth in self-pollination, the fruit percentage increases by cross-pollinating., 論文}, pages = {3--9}, title = {ハウス栽培パッションフルーツの栽培技術開発 第4報.紫系統パッションフルーツの結果に及ぼす花粉発芽および花柱内での花粉管伸長の影響}, volume = {43} }