@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02016402, author = {Takenaka,Shizuhiro and Arimura, Touru and Higashi, Masahiro and Nagayama, Takashi}, issue = {2}, journal = {琉球大学保健学医学雑誌=Ryukyu University Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine}, note = {The direct intra-arterial injection of antitumor drugs for treatment of cancer was first reported by Klopp in 1950^<1)>, and then Cromer et al. (1952)^<2)> reported that more beneficial effects for pelvic tumors were received by administrating of antitumor drug via a intra-arterial route than the intravenous route. Sullivan et al. (1952)^<3)> reported on the injection of antitumor drugs into the regional arteries for treatment of far advanced cancer, and subsequently many authors reported similar methods, describing usefulness of this therapy for far advanced pelvic cancer^<4)5)6)>. Thus, the intraarterial therapy elicited encouraging results for malignant tumors, especially recurrent and progressive malignant tumors of the pelvic^<7)8)>. On the other hand, Creech (1958)^<9)> used an extracorporeal circulation unit (heart-lung apparatus) to isolate the tumor circulation from the body circulation. And he perfused antitumor drugs in high concentration into regional tumor tissue for a short time by applying this method. He reported that the effect of antitumor drugs could be enhanced by the high oxygen tension in tumor tissue. Recent interest lies in the hyperbaric therapy regarding high oxygen concentration in tumor tissue. The chief advantage of oxygen at high pressure (hereafter, OHP), in treatment of malignant tumors is that it increases the susceptibility of tumor cells to radiation. It was demonstrated also by many workers that the sensitivity of tumor cells to X-ray under OHP circumstance were about three times as high as under anoxic conditions,^<10)11)> and that the antitumor effect of chemotherapy was enhanced with OHP. Bleomycin (hereafter, BLM), an antitumor antibiotics derived from streptomyces yerticulus, was discovered by Umezawa in 1965.^<12)> This drug has been used clinically in the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma and malignant lymphoma.^<13)> As for knowledge of BLM's mechanism of action, it is reported that BLM inhibits DNA synthesis and produces DNA strand scission,^<14)> and that this action is stimulated by oxygen and free radical producing systems including superoxyde radicals, and is prevented by radical scavegers.^<15)> Taking the above into account, this study was performed to investigate the clinical effects of the combination therapy of OHP and the continuous intra-arterial infusion of BLM., 論文}, pages = {115--122}, title = {[原著]Clinical Efficiency of Combined Therapy of Bleomycm and Oxygen in Uterine Cancer}, volume = {3} }