@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02016431, author = {栗田, 建一 and 喜友名, 千佳子 and 野田, 寛 and 伊礼, 基治 and Kurita, Ken-ich and Kiyuna, Chikako and Noda, Yutaka and Irei, Motoharu}, issue = {4}, journal = {琉球大学保健学医学雑誌=Ryukyu University Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine}, note = {A case of hereditary nephritis with sensorineural hearing loss (Alport's Syndrome) and his family history were presented. The auditory manifestations were analysed as follows; (1) The average pure tone thresholds indicated bilaterally a symmetrical and moderate sensorineural hearing loss from 25 dB to 60 dB with a dip in 2000Hz. (2) The short increment sensitivity index revealed a high percentage in 80 dB of 2000Hz and 60 dB of 4000Hz in the right ear and 80 dB of 2000Hz in the left ear. (3) The speech discrimination ability was bilaterally within normal limits. (4) The Bekesy audiogram yielded the Type I tracing (Jerger) bilaterally and showed no recruitment signs. (5) The Tympanogram yielded the Type A tracing bilaterally. (6) The acoustic impedance showed 3,600 a. ohm in the right ear and 2,800 a. ohm in the left ear. (7) The bilateral stapedius reflex thresholds were found at 80-105 dB with an impedance meter both contralaterally and ipsilaterally, and showed recquitment signs in 250Hz, 1OOOHz and 2000Hz. The vestibular examinations revealed only a bilateral symmetrical hypofunction of the labyrinth on the caloric stimulation and no particular findings on the optokinetic nystagmus test, the eye tracking test, etc., 論文}, pages = {320--328}, title = {[原著]家族性遺伝性腎炎を伴う難聴症例}, volume = {1} }