@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02016439, author = {相葉, 宏之 and 石井, 睦 and 中山, 顕児 and 高木, 繁幸 and 林, 隆士 and Aiba, Hiroyuki and Ishii, Chikashi and Nakayama, Kenji and Takaki, Shigeyuki and Hayashi, Takashi}, issue = {2}, journal = {琉球大学保健学医学雑誌=Ryukyu University Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine}, note = {Appearance of CT scanner has made it possible to diagnose intracranial lessions very easily and accurately. Particularly in the acute stage of cerebral hemorrhage, it is said to give an almost 100 percent diagnostic rating, with hematoma always displaying high absorption values. The absorption value of hematoma is influenced by hemoglobin. It has already been suggested that hematoma does not always show high absorption values on CT even in the acute stage in the case where the hemoglobin values are very low. Actually, however, there have been few reports which have dealth with such cases. We encountered a case which presented low absorption values on CT despite its being in the acute stage of cerebellar hemorrhage. The case was an eight-year-old boy. Four years previously, a diagnosis of aplastic anemia was made and treatment continued. On April 15, 1978, he suddenly complained of severe headache and there appeared stiffness of the neck. On the CT findings, low absorption values were observed in the right cerebellum. The CT findings on April 17 showed formation of niveau consistent with low absorption values. In this paper, a study is made in reference to the CT of this case., 論文}, pages = {163--169}, title = {[原著]CT上で低吸収域を示した小脳出血の1症例}, volume = {2} }