@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02016464, author = {喜友名, 千佳子 and 識名, 弓子 and 野田, 寛 and Kiyuna, Chikako and Shikina, Yumiko and Noda, Yutaka}, issue = {4}, journal = {琉球大学保健学医学雑誌=Ryukyu University Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine}, note = {The measurement of stapedial reflexes using an impedance audiometry is useful for a clinical diagnosis of neuro-otology. The stapedial reflexes are abscent in the lesions of the stapedial arc, for example, middle ear dysfunction, sensorineural hearing loss, retrocochlear lesions, and facial palsy. We have concluded the significance of the abscence of the stapedial reflex from the literatures and investigated the actual cases of our otological clinic. The stapedial reflexes were abscent in the middle ear dysfunctions, for example ossicular discontinuity, otosclerosis, tympano-sclerosis, serous otitis media, Eustachian tube insufficiency, etc. The measurement of stapedial reflex in sensori-neural hearing loss is useful for an objective test of recruitment phenomenon and also for a differential diagnosis of cochlear disorder from retrocochlear one. Further it seemed to make a topographic diagnosis of facial palsy and decide its prognosis. However, we must notice that the diagnosis must not be made only with the findings of impedance audiometry, but with other clinical findings, especially in brain stem disorders., 論文}, pages = {397--410}, title = {[原著]アブミ骨筋反射欠如の意義と実際}, volume = {2} }