@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02016473, author = {松井, 克明 and 当山, 清美 and 伊藤, 悦男 and 豊田, 善成 and 大城, 朝光 and 玉那覇, 秀雄 and 外間, 政哲 and 東, 政弘 and Matsui, Katsuaki and Toyama, Kiyomi and Ito, Etsuo and Toyoda, Zensei and Oshiro, Choko and Tamanaha, Hideo and Hokama, Seitetsu and Higashi, Masahiro}, issue = {3}, journal = {琉球大学保健学医学雑誌=Ryukyu University Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine}, note = {This paper described about the statistic characteristics of uterine carcinoma in Okinawa prefecture from the results of cytological and histopathological examination in the department of central laboratory of the Ryukyu University Hospital. The periods of the investigation were three years from 1978 to 1980. The total number of the cases for cytological examination were 9,606 and the specimens from gynecological department were 6,867 (71.4% of all cases). As to the case number according to the Papanicoloau classification, Class 1 and 2 occupied 82.9%, and Class 3(9.8%), Class 4(2.7%), and Class 5(4.5%) were succeeded. Histological examinations requested from gynecological department were totalized to 1,190 cases. Among these cases, there were 381(32.0%) no malignancy cases, 75 (6.3%) mild dysplasia cases, 59(5%) moderate dysplasia cases, 89(7.5%) severe dysplasia cases, 90 (7.6%) carcinoma in situ cases, 65(5.5%) microinvasive carcinoma cases and 431 (36.2%) invasive carcinoma cases. As to the cases diagnosed as dysplasia, the ratio in age groups of twenties and thirties were 37.8% and 28.6% respectively, and both were higher than that of fifties (11.8%) and sixties (3.0%). In contrast with these results, the discovery rate of malignancies from carcinoma in situ to invasive carcinoma was high in aged groups; and the rate in the age groups of sixties and seventies was 72.7% and 83.1% respectively. As to the more younger age groups, following noteworthy tendency was noted that the rate of carcinoma in twenties (24.3%) and thirties (40.4%) were high as many as forties (43.8%). According to the results of this study, it is concluded that the older women are liable to be suffered from advanced cancer, and above all a many cases of advanced cancer are also encountered among relatively younger women. These tendencies are thought as characteristics of uterine cancer in Okinawa. For it is said that more than 20% of the severe dysplasia cases will turn into the cancer, the high rate discovery of early cancer from the dysplasia cases among younger women would be expected in the future, during follow up, The cytological screening test for uterine carcinoma was thought as an important matter., 論文}, pages = {220--228}, title = {[原著]琉球大学医学部附属病院における婦人科領域の細胞診よりみた子宮癌の動向 : 第2報}, volume = {5} }