@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02016477, author = {国吉, 幸男 and 伊波, 潔 and 池村, 冨士夫 and 上里, 忠興 and 喜名, 盛夫 and 屋良, 勲 and 古謝, 景春 and Kuniyoshi, Yukio and Iha, Kiyoshi and Ikemura, Fujio and Uezato, Tadaoki and Kina, Morio and Yara, Isao and Kojya, Kageharu}, issue = {3}, journal = {琉球大学保健学医学雑誌=Ryukyu University Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine}, note = {Seven patients with a Giant left atrium in mitral valvular disease were treated by our own left atriom plication procedure. The results were satisfactory, and the improvement of the postoperative cardiac function was relatively rapid. There were a statistically significant decrease in CTR and the angle of the bifurcation of the trachea in LP group compared with that of control. From this report, it is concluded that our own procedure is simple and effective for a patient with a Giant left atrium., 論文}, pages = {214--219}, title = {[原著]巨大左房を有する弁膜症手術時における左房縫縮の意義}, volume = {5} }