@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02016519, author = {秋永, 孝義 and 國府田, 佳弘 and 川畑, 勝裕 and AKINAGA, Takayoshi and KOHDA, Yoshihiro and KAWABATA, Katsuhiro}, issue = {1}, journal = {南方資源利用技術研究会誌 = Journal of the society tropical resources technologists}, note = {Studies on killing melon fly with low pressure treatment, low temperature treatment and high voltage electric field were carried out to find the feasibility of those methods. However, any treatment could neither easily nor completely kill melon fly. Low temperature treatment at 0 ℃ was effective on the killing melon fly for long term storage over 7 or 8 days. It was difficult for the practical use of low temperature treatment to kill melon fly, as the chilling injury of host fruit may occur by long term exposure to cold temperature. Melon fly may live during winter in southern Kyushu island where the lowest temperature are not reached below 0 ℃ continously over 7 or 8 days. When sayaingen or melon will be shipped from contaminated region such as Okinawa island, complete fumigation or quarantine inspection should be essential., 論文}, pages = {31--35}, title = {[報文]ウリミバエの物理的殺虫の可能性}, volume = {3} }