@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02016538, author = {上野, 正美 and 泉, 裕巳 and UENO, Masami and IZUMI, Hiromi}, issue = {1}, journal = {南方資源利用技術研究会誌 = Journal of the society tropical resources technologists}, note = {The milling and pelletizing characteristics of Leucaena Leucoephala de Wit were investigated to utilize the plant as a biomass-energy source. The power and capacity of a screw-type test-machine were influenced remarkably by the moisture content of the materials. At the higher moisture contents the pelletizing was carried out easily, on the other hand, it was so hard at the lower moisture contents, especially at those of less than 25%. The mechanism of milling and pelletizing processes was discussed from a view point of mechanics, especially the physical properties of the materials and the frictional behaviours between the screw and the materials. Finally, we proposed a small pelletizing plant as a component of a local energy system., 論文}, pages = {1--9}, title = {[報文]ギンネムのバイオマスエネルギー化に関する基礎研究(第2報)}, volume = {6} }