@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02016870, author = {Gima, Tsugiko and Shikenbaru, Risa and Tsujino, Kumiko and Hokama, Tomiko and Omine, Fujiko and Endoh, Yumiko and Tamashiro, Yoko}, issue = {1-3}, journal = {琉球医学会誌 = Ryukyu Medical Journal}, note = {It is well known that sleeping habits of the infants affect not only their physical growth but also their mental development. However, reports on sleeping habits of infants in Okinawa prefecture are scarce, especially in regard to the awareness of parentsʼ side on it. Based on it, we conducted a survey on sleeping habits of 3-year-old infants by questionnaires, and also focusing on the awareness of their parents on sleeping habits for their infants. We gave the questionnaires to 835 parents living in two cities, Uruma and Nago city in Okinawa, and got 501 valid responses (60.0%). It showed that the average sleeping time of the infants was 11 hours and 8 minutes, and the average bedtime, 21:40±0:40. The latter one was clearly divided into three: the early sleeping group who slept before 22:00 (50.3%), the late sleeping group slept after 22:00 (38.3%), and the irregular group slept before or after 22:00 (11.4%). The parents with the irregular sleeping group were indifferent to the adverse effect that they took out with their infants until the late night, and they did not care to limit the time to watch TV in the night. Such parents were seen more in those who were born in Okinawa than those in other prefectures, but there was no significant difference. The indifference of the Okinawan parents to sleeping habits of their infants may cause some affects to their infants in their future, so that we want to suggest that the countermeasure by the municipal level in Okinawa prefecture would be taken for the parents to take more care for the sleeping habits for their children., 論文}, pages = {29--40}, title = {[原著]Characteristic features of sleeping habits of 3-year-old infants in Okinawa, Japan}, volume = {33} }