@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02016883, author = {Teruya, Noriko and Sunagawa, Yoko}, issue = {1-4}, journal = {琉球医学会誌 = Ryukyu Medical Journal}, note = {School nurses play a key role in promoting health behavior in junior high and high school girls. This study aimed to investigate the school nursesʼ awareness regarding cervical cancer prevention and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and the current situation for preventive education in their schools, thereby identifying challenges for cervical cancer prevention for adolescents. A self-administered questionnaire was mailed to 171 school nurses, working at 107 junior high and 64 high schools in the Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. The questionnaire comprised 12 questions, including age, educational experience, sources of information regarding cervical cancer prevention, experience of counseling by students or their parents regarding HPV vaccination, difficulties in handling such counselings, information required by school nurses, and the respondentʼs opinion regarding cervical cancer prevention, and HPV vaccination program for adolescents. Of the 111 responses obtained, 110 were valid and were used in the analysis. For over 50% of respondents, their sources of information regarding cervical cancer prevention and HPV vaccination were magazines and books, Internet, workshops held by education committees, and media. Fewer than 20% of respondents obtained information from healthcare professionals. Approximately 60% had been asked for advice from students or their parents regarding HPV vaccination, and approximately 50% reported difficulties in answering questions concerning whether or not to take the vaccine or regarding its merits, demerits, and adverse effect. Almost 50% of the respondents who were in favor of workshops being conducted on cervical cancer prevention indicated they wanted medical and epidemiological information regarding cervical cancer, merits and demerits of vaccination, and cervical cancer screening. These findings indicate that accurate information concerning cervical cancer prevention and HPV vaccine should be widely distributed to school nurses and junior high and high school girls and their parents. Furthermore, the survey suggests a requirement for actively promoting tie-ups and cooperative work among school nurses, public health nurses, hospital nurses, and doctors in conducting preventive education and awareness-raising programs on cervical cancer for students and their parents., 論文}, pages = {21--30}, title = {Current situation and challenges for junior high and high school nurses in conducting education and raising awareness regarding cervical cancer prevention}, volume = {35} }