@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02016931, author = {河崎, 俊一郎 and 冨永, 淳 and 薮田, 伸 and 福澤, 康典 and 諏訪, 竜一 and 上野, 正実 and 川満, 芳信 and Kawasaki, Shun-ichirou and Tominaga, Jun and Yabuta, Shin and Fukuzawa, Yasunori and Suwa, Ryuichi and Ueno, Masami and Kawamitsu, Yoshinobu}, issue = {1}, journal = {沖縄農業}, note = {2006年に新たに土壌害虫駆除用として農薬登録されたFipronilベイト剤がサトウキビの生育および収量に与える影響について,沖縄県久米島の圃場で調査を行た.Fipronilベイト剤区における植付け苗の食害率は,無処理区に比べて有意に減少しており,Ethylthiodemeton粒剤区に比べても低い傾向にあった.Fipronilベイト剤区におけるサトウキビの生育本数は,慣行薬剤であるEthylthiodemeton粒剤区や無処理区に比べ増加していた.特に,8月調査時のFipronilベイト剤区の生育本数は他の処理区に比べ有意に多く,長い茎の割合が増加していた.Fipronilベイト剤区における原料茎の収量は,無処理区に比べ有意に多かった.以上の結果より,サトウキビへのFipronilベイト剤試用は植付け苗の食害や,発芽後の芯枯れ害を低下させ,主茎をはじめとする健全な茎の生存率を高めることで収量を増加させることが推察された., We investigated the effects of fipronil bait, newly registered as the sugarcane insecticide for soil insect pest in 2006, on sugarcane growth and yield in Kume Island, Okinawa. Growth analysis showed that number of stalks of fipronil bait-treated area was significantly higher than ethylthiodemeton granule that is conventional insecticide against wireworm and non-treated area. Furthermore rate of damaged buds in fipronil bait-treated area was significantly decreased above non-treated area, and lower than ethylthiodemeton granule-treated area. Number of stalks remarkably increased in August, suggesting that fipronil bait controlled harmful insect damage in early growth stage of sugarcane. Moreover, rate of number of longer stalks increased in fipronil bait-treated area. Fipronil bait might controlled shoot borer damage, decreased dead heart of main stem and rate of number of long stalks increased. Further, cane yield in the fipronil bait-treated area was also significantly increased as compared with those in non-treated areas., 論文}, pages = {23--31}, title = {久米島におけるFipronilベイト剤の処理がサトウキビの生育および収量に与える影響}, volume = {45} }