@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02016936, author = {清水, 優子 and Shimizu, Yuko}, issue = {1}, journal = {沖縄農業}, note = {宮古島市におけるサトウキビは1960年代後半と1970年前半に野そによる甚大な被害を受けた.これを契機にサトウキビ圃場を対象とした広域防除が開始され現在まで継続されてきたが,被害の推移や防除効果について総合的に検討した資料がなかった.沖縄県病害虫防除技術センター宮古駐在に残る被害調査結果および,新聞などの資料を用いて防除対策についてまとめた.捕獲調査の結果.クマネズミが主要な加害種と考えられた.野その被害はサトウキビの糖度が上昇する9月から増加し,収穫直前の12月が多かった.広域防除はサトウキビにおける野そによる甚大な被害を概ね抑圧していると考えられた.しかし,一部地域では依然として被害が多い状態であったことから,防除の効果について地域単位で慎重に検討する必要があると考えられた., Sugarcane in Miyakojima City had been injured intensely by field mice from late1960 to early 1970. Since these situations, area-wide control for field-mice with pesticides has been conducted on whole sugarcane field in the City. However, there was no published report about the damages to sugarcane and the control effects comprehensively. The past data about the sugarcane damages by infestation of field mice and captured number of field mice which have been stored in Miyako branch of Okinawa Prefectural Plant Protection Center, and the about area-wide control from 1967 to 2012 were examined. Mice captured in sugarcane field were mainly Rattus rattus. It was considered that area-wide control for field mice with pesticides has been surpressed sugarcane damages. However the intense injury has been appeared in partial area. The effect of control on sugarcane damage was necessary to be considered carefully at area., 論文}, pages = {21--28}, title = {宮古島市におけるサトウキビの野そ被害の推移と広域防除の効果}, volume = {46} }