@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02017918, author = {前之園, 唯史 and Maenosono, Tadafumi and 佐藤, 大義 and Sato, Taigi}, journal = {Fauna Ryukyuana, Fauna Ryukyuana}, month = {Apr}, note = {沖縄諸島の沿岸域から採集された標本に基づき, ケブカオビヒロガニ (新称) Typhlocarcinops hirtus Ng & Rahayu, 2020およびビロードオビヒロガニ (新称) T. cf. tonsuratusを日本初記録として報告した. 本研究でビロードオビヒロガニと同定した標本は, 雄の第1腹肢の形状がT. tonsuratusの原記載の図と異なっていたが, ホロタイプの唯一残っている第1腹肢も破損している可能性が考えられた. 本研究ではこれら2種の形態情報を示すとともに日本産メクラガニモドキ属各種の現在の同定に対応する和名の整理も行った., Two species of the rhizopine crabs, Typhlocarcinops hirtus Ng & Rahayu, 2020 and T. cf. tonsuratus, are reported from Japan for the first time based on specimens collected from the Okinawa Islands, central Ryukyus. The structure of male first gonopod of the specimens identified as T. cf. tonsuratus in the present study is different from the drawing of the holotype of the nominal species, but it is possible that the drawn gonopod may be damaged and thus shows an unusual condition. The morphological features of these two species are described. Moreover, Japanese names of all other Typhlocarcinops species recorded from Japan were adjusted to match current identification}, pages = {45--64}, title = {沖縄諸島より採集された日本初記録のメクラガニモドキ属 (甲殻亜門: 十脚目: 短尾下目: ケブカガニ科) の2種}, volume = {64}, year = {2022} }