@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02019442, author = {Kanegae, Hikaru and 鐘ケ江, 光 and Suguiura, Massahiro de Souza Igor and Suguiura, Massahiro de Souza Igor and Minakawa, Tomoko and 皆川, 智子 and Augusuto, Mario Ono and Augusuto, Mario Ono and Itano, Nakagwa Eiko and Itano, Nakagwa Eiko and Wada, Shinpei and 和田, 新平 and Nakamura, Yuichi and 中村, 雄一 and Shumoto, Godai and 周本, 剛大 and Sano, Ayako and 佐野, 文子 and Ueda, Keiichi and 植田, 啓一}, issue = {4}, journal = {日本野生動物医学会誌, Japanese journal of zoo and wildlife medicine}, month = {Dec}, note = {Paracoccidioidomycosis ceti (PCM-C) is a zoonotic mycosis characterized by chronic granulomatous keloidal dermatitis in cetaceans that has been reported worldwide. The causative agents of PCM-C are unculturable Paracoccidioides brasiliensis var. ceti and Paracoccidioides app., which are genetically identical to one of the causative agents of paracoccidioidomycosis: P. brasiliensis sensu stricto. The definitive diagnosis of PCM-C is based on clinical symptoms and the detection of yeast-like cells during pathological examinations; molecular diagnosis is not essential. However, analyses at the molecular level are important to distinguish PCM-C from other fungal infections showing similar clinical signs. Researchers have been following a suspected case of PCM-C in a Pacific white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) by performing cytology, histopathology, and molecular biology experiments since 2015. Finally, we confirmed it as the fourth Japanese PCM-C case based on the partial sequence of 43-kDa glycoprotein antigen gene (gp43) with 99.4% identity to that from P. brasiliensis sensu stricto from a biopsied sample in October 2019. Then, we applied a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) for P. brasiliensis. The simple LAMP targeting for fungal DNA and human clinical materials failed to amplify bands, but a combination of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and LAMP (PCR-LAMP) could amplify species-specific ladder-like bands identical to P. brasiliensis., クジラ型パラコクシジオイデス症 (paracoccidoioidmycosis ceti : PCM-C) は,イルカを宿主とし,難治性慢性肉芽腫性ケロイド状皮膚炎を特徴とする人獣共通真菌症である。原因菌は非培養性の Paracoccidioides brasiliensis var. ceti で,中南米を流行地とする高度病原性真菌症のパラコクシジオイデス症 (PCM) の原因菌 P. brasiliensis と遺伝子型は同一である。確定診断は臨床症状と病理像での酵母細胞の証明であるが,遺伝子情報による診断も重要である。今回,遺伝子情報を欠くものの, PCM-C が疑われていたイルカ皮膚病変生検組織より nested-PCR で原因菌の特異的糖タンパク抗原遺伝子である gp43 が検出され,配列は既報の PCM-C 国内第3症例目と98.9% 相同であった。そこで PCM の診断用に設計された LAMP 法を適用したところ, PCR と LAMP 法の組み合わせにより gp43 の増幅に成功したところから,この手法は迅速診断法としての有用性が期待できる。}, pages = {103--111}, title = {Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) とloop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) 法のコンビネーションによるクジラ型パラコクシジオイデス症の診断法の研究}, volume = {26}, year = {2021} }