@article{oai:u-ryukyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02020353, author = {小島, 弘昭 and Kojima, Hiroaki and 佐伯, 智哉 and Saeki, Tomoya}, journal = {Fauna Ryukyuana}, month = {May}, note = {ゴボウゾウムシLarinus (Phyllonomeus) latissimus Roelofs, 1873は, 日本ならびに朝鮮半島, 中国, 台湾, 極東ロシアに分布し, ゴボウやアザミ類 (キク科) を利用することが知られる. これまで琉球列島では沖永良部島から宮古諸島まで分布することが知られていたが, 八重山諸島 (石垣島, 波照間島, 与那国島) から本種の生息を確認したので報告する. また, 本種の成虫が確認されたシマアザミ (広義) を新寄主植物として記録した. シマアザミは脂肪蓄積を抑制する効能があることから, 近年, 琉球列島の奄美群島ではその栽培が広まりつつあり, 栽培地では本種が害虫化しかねないため, 今後の発生動向に注視する必要がある., Larinus (Phyllonomeus) latissimus Roelofs, 1873 (Lixinae: Cleonini) is associated with thistles (Cirsium spp.; Asteraceae) and is distributed in Japan, Korea, northern China, Taiwan and the Russian Far East. In Japan, the weevil is known to occur on Honshu, Tobishima Is., Sado Is., Awajishima Is., Shikoku, Kyushu and the Ryukyus (Okinoerabu-jima Is., Okinawa-jima Is., Kume-jima Is. and Miyako-jima Is.). Here, the authors record this species from Ishigaki-jima Is., Hateruma-jima Is. and Yonaguni-jima Is. of the Yaeyama Islands, the Ryukyu Islands, southwestern Japan, for the first time. Adult weevils were collected on Cirsium brevicaule (Shimaazami in Japanese) This plant has recently been cultivated in the Ryukyus due to the possession of suppression efficacy of fatty liver and has been newly added to the list of host plants of this weevil. Since the weevil could potentially become a pest for the plants, attention should be given to its occurrence in cultivated fields.}, pages = {7--10}, title = {シマアザミの潜在害虫ゴボウゾウムシ (コウチュウ目ゾウムシ科カツオゾウムシ亜科) の八重山諸島からの初記録}, volume = {69}, year = {2024} }